The purpose of this Plan is to determine state actions required to meet solid waste management policies, ensure that an adequate capacity of environmentally protective solid waste disposal facilities exists to meet the needs of the people of West Virginia, and to provide guidance to those who are implementing or maintaining integrated solid waste management programs. This plan is updated and compiled every two years as required by the West Virginia Legislature.
This document contains information on the solid waste management system in West Virginia and includes information on solid waste legislation, population and waste projections, the status of solid waste facilities in the state, information on local solid waste management and recycling, special waste, solid waste disposal fees, solid waste milestones, the economic impact of solid waste management, recycling and solid waste grants and information on solid waste and recycling in the surrounding states.
2015 WV State Plan
2017 WV State Plan
2019 WV State Plan
2021 WV State Plan
2023 WV State Plan
2025 WV State Plan